Halfway, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Demographic data is available for Halfway City, Oregon. This data is based on information gathered from the 2020 American Community Survey. It is updated yearly as new data becomes available. It is not guaranteed to be complete or accurate. Listed below are the number of people living in Halfway City, OR.

Halfway City, OR has a population of 303 people. Of that population, 100% of residents are citizens of the United States. Likewise, 0% of residents were born outside the country. The most prevalent ethnic groups are White (Non-Hispanic) (90.1%), Two+ (4.95%), American Indian & Alaska Native (1.32%), and Black or African American (Non-Hispanic).

Halfway, OR has 117 residents who are employed in a variety of industries. The most common industries are Construction, Transportation & Warehousing, and Retail Trade. Some residents are employed in other industries, including Education, Health Care, and the Manufacturing sector.