Hubbard, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Almost 10,000 people live in Hubbard City. The town was originally a small country crossroads until coal fields were developed. As the town grew in size, many people immigrated from Europe. By 1868, the population had reached the necessary threshold for the city to become an incorporated municipality. Today, the city is a thriving center for local businesses. Learn more about Hubbard's past.

The population of Hubbard is made up of both males and females. The male population is 43.7%, and the female population is 56.3%. Of this population, 19.2% are senior citizens. Other demographic statistics about the city include its 88.5% white population, 9.6% black population, 1.3% two or more races, 0.6% Hispanic population, and 9% minority.

According to the U.S. Census, there are 3,272 households in Hubbard. Two hundred and seventy-five percent of the population lives in family households. There are 1,091 non-family households, and the average household size is 2.3 people. The median household income is $50,829 per year, with housing costs around $701 a month. Only 1% of Hubbard residents are uneducated; 42% have at least a high school diploma. Twenty-seven percent of the population have a college degree or at least some college. About fifteen percent of the people in Hubbard city are working, and earn over $57K annually.

The population of Hubbard City, IN was recorded as 7,874 people in the 2010 census. The city is part of the Trumbull County Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).