Mehama, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the population and steets of Mehama City, Oregon. The city's median age is 31.5 years, 6.4 years lower than the U.S. average. There are approximately 4 people per family over the age of 65 in Mehama, but it varies depending on the size of the family and the composition of the family. The most common ancestry in Mehama is German and European.

The population of Mehama City, Oregon is comprised of 200 white residents, 24 two-and-four-year-olds, and 0 people who are hispanic. The city is about the same size as the national average and has 0% of Hispanic residents. The median property value is $164,100. The median household income is $65,625.

The highest paid job in Mehama is Management, Business, & Arts Occupations. The second highest paid job is Total. The number of people employed in Mehama is 95, with the highest pay in Health Care & Social Assistance and the lowest in Manufacturing. While some people live in Mehama and work elsewhere, the data from Census is tied to a person's residential address.