Mill City, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick look at Mill City's population will give you a good idea of its demographic makeup. While the majority of Mill City is white, there are a few minority groups. For example, 12.4% of the population is Hispanic, while only 0.3% is black. The median household income in Mill City is $35,556, and the average household income is $41,485. There are also a few notable statistics for Mill City, including a high school graduation rate of 71%.

In the 2010 Census, the median age for residents was 36.2 years. Of this, twenty-seven percent of people were under 18, 11.0% were between the ages of 25-44, and 22.2% were between 45-64. Twenty-four percent of households were not family units, while 7.0% were single-person households. In addition, there were 8.0% of senior citizens living alone. Males outnumbered females in Mill City, with 51.8% of people age 18+ being male and 48.4% being female.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the city is home to 61.1% of white people. Another 8.7% are African-American or Hispanic and 17.8% are Hispanic. And, 2.6% of people identify as two or more races, including Native Americans and Pacific Islanders. People in Mill City identify with several ancestries. German, Irish, and European are the most common, with Slavic and Finnish among the most prominent ancestries.