Reedsport, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for population and steets in Reedsport City, OR, you've come to the right place. You'll find the latest population and steets statistics on the Vivint website, as well as free quotes from insurance providers. Here are some other facts about Reedsport City, OR:

The largest percentage of families in Reedsport City are married couples, with nearly ninety-four percent headed by a male and eighty-four percent headed by a female. But this percentage isn't necessarily indicative of risk to city residents. Those living alone are nearly 20 percent more likely to face eviction. That percentage is lower than the national average, and suggests a more shaky economy.

The majority of Reedsport City residents identify as White, and the largest percentage have a household income below the poverty line. The percentage of households with children under the poverty line is fourteen percent, with 41.2% of children living below that threshold. But, even those who aren't single don't make this poverty level, as only twenty-two percent of households in Reedsport are self-employed.

The population of Reedsport, Oregon is approximately three thousand six hundred twenty-eight percent white, ten percent Hispanic, and ten percent non-Hispanic. Reedsport is home to an estimated 157 non-Hispanic White households, and eighty-seven white households that are both Hispanic or two-race. The city also has a low percentage of African-American households, and one American Indian household.