Rufus, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Rufous City, Oregon, USA: These stats will help you learn about the local area. You can use this information to determine what the median home price is in Rufus City. The area has a low crime rate, and its home values are up by 8.3% over the last 10 years. You can learn more about the city by exploring the map below. If you have a different definition for population, you can read about it in the following section.

The neighborhood is highly populated and dominated by apartment complexes. While most neighborhoods have a mix of real estate, Rufus King Park is almost entirely high-rise apartments. Eighty-five percent of the neighborhood's households are renters. Compared to other neighborhoods in America, Rufus King Park is more densely populated than most. With 60,070 residents per square mile, this area is a great place to live for a family with children.

The median household income is $53,443 and 75.8% of Rufus residents are employed. Despite the growing population, fewer people in Rufus are living below the poverty line. In fact, there are only six families living below the federal poverty line. This is down from the nineteen percent poverty line in the city. The median age is 37 years old, which is higher than the US average of 36.5.