Talent, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Talent, OR is approximately 6.55k people. Approximately 96% of the population is US citizen, and 7.32% are foreign born. The median household income in Talent is $36,051, a decrease of 10.7 percent from last year. The five most common racial and ethnic groups are White (non-Hispanic) (79.3%), Black (4.4%), Asian (4.3%), Two+ (non-Hispanic) (2.53%), and Other (two percent).

The median age of all people in Talent, OR is 36.9. Native-born residents of the city are younger than those who were born outside the city. In fact, in 2020, there were only 6.41% of people who worked from home. For those who are foreign-born, the most common country was Mexico. In 2020, there were 141,609 foreign-born residents in Talent. Vietnam had 22,538 residents, and China had 22,455 residents.

The median property value in Talent, OR was $222,900 in 2020. That is 0.97 times less than the national average of $229,800. However, the median property value in Talent, OR increased by 2.01% from 2018 to 2020. The homeownership rate was 54.6%, and most people travelled by car to work. The average commute time was 16.9 minutes. The median number of cars per household was two.

The current population of Talent, OR is estimated to be around 2.79k people. The most common occupation in Talent is Retail Trade, with 378 people employed in that sector. Other occupations in Talent include Arts, Recreation, and Health Care & Social Assistance.