Turner, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know how many people live in Turner City, you will need to know the population & steets of that city. The population of Turner is about 2,130, or 1,491 people per square mile. The median age of the population in this town is forty-five, which is higher than the national average of thirty-seven. The average household size in Turner is 2.7 people, while the national average is 2.6.

The median income in ZIP code 59542 is $33,214. This is lower than the average household income in other parts of the country. While money is not everything, Turner City residents earn less than their neighbors. Despite this, however, there are still plenty of people living in this city. You can see how the median household income in Turner City compares to other parts of the state and the country. In fact, residents of this city earn a bit less than the average American.

As an example, Peter Turner, a homeless man in Houston, struggles with mental health and addiction issues. He became homeless in March and sought assistance from Street Help. The number of homeless in Turner City has risen alarmingly. In the past year, Street Help serves almost 300 people a day, and this number is only rising. Until recently, they served about 200 people a day. Now, the organization is serving 300 clients every day.