Wallowa, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets in Wallowna City? You can find out from the following table. Here are the key facts. Also check out the other cities in this census tract. You can find out which ones have the lowest poverty rates. These cities are also the county seats. Overall, the poverty rate in these cities is 2.53% for those working full-time and 2.84% for those working part-time. The unemployed rate is 8.82%.

Several other statistics are available to help you learn more about the city and its surrounding areas. You can get an overview of the city's population and steets by checking out the U.S. Census Bureau. You can also find a map of the city using the information from Wikimedia Commons. You can also find information on schools and universities in the city. The following table lists the estimated population and steets in Wallowa.

The population of Wallowa City, Oregon, is 4,399 residents. The county seat is Enterprise. There are several hyperlinks on this page that offer information on city and county officials. You can also find out the house value and median household income of residents in Wallowa County. There is also a Museum in Wallowa. You can learn more about local history by visiting the Nez Perce Interpretive Center.

The County's population is predominantly rural. Despite this, Wallowa City has experienced several changes in its culture and network of relationships. Youth development, low-income housing, and a high percentage of membership-based associations contribute to this unique community culture. It is also home to a small, yet thriving community. Its population is growing and it is home to a variety of businesses.