Yamhill, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the current population of a city, consider the following information. The population density per square mile was derived from a study conducted by the Yamhill County Planning Department. The data is updated regularly, so you can view it at any time. Also, you can find the average number of people per acre in various areas of Yamhill County. The map below shows the current population density and the top cities within 26 miles of Yamhill City.

In 2016, the city of Yamhill recorded one eviction. The reasons for eviction ranged from code violations to lease violations, but a large number of people were evicted for not paying rent. This can signal a deteriorating economy. The population of eviction cases in Yamhill was 1.84 in 2016, which is lower than the national average of 3.8 percent.

The town of Yamhill is located in northwest Oregon along the Columbia River and the Oregon-Washington border. The climate in this city is mild and pleasant in most months. The coldest months are December and January. The city is also located between Portland and the Pacific Ocean. It is a great place to raise a family. If you're looking for a place to call home, consider Yamhill. You'll never be far from the coast and the city's many attractions.

While Portland State University has provided an estimate of the population of the city, that estimate may be higher than the actual number of people living in Yamhill City. The Yamhill County Planning Department did an inventory of Sheridan's housing inventory and determined that 786 dwelling units were occupied in 1970. Using this information, the current population of Sheridan is 2,318 - 42 less than the estimated number from Portland State University.