Adamsburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Adamsburg are vital statistics. These statistics will help you better understand what makes Adamsburg tick. While you can see the overall population in green, you can also see the percentage of residents who are of different races in the area. Overall, the city's population is 50.6 years old, making it one of the older cities in the metro area. Listed below are the median age breakdowns of women and men in the city.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the percentage of people who were born outside the United States is 7.2%. Adamsburg is lower than the United States average of 13.5%, making it the second most diverse city in the state. Compared to other Pennsylvania cities, Adamsburg is home to a higher percentage of foreign-born residents than the average. However, when it comes to total population, the city ranks #6 in the country.

Crime rates in Adamsburg vary widely by neighborhood. During a standard year, violent crime rates in Adamsburg are 2.23 per thousand residents. Compared to the northwest part of the city, the east part is considered to be safer. A chance of a violent crime is one in 420 in northwest neighborhoods and only one in 469 in the east. The process of comparing violent crime rates is not as simple as it sounds, but the resulting map shows where violent crimes are most prevalent.