Allison Park, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in the Population & Steets in Allison Parker City? Check out this map of the community. It shows the percentage of each race living in the city. The darker shades represent a greater percentage of one racial group. This page also includes data on the racial diversity of Allison Park. You can even find out the percentage of different races living in Allison Park. This page contains the information needed to make an informed decision about whether this is the right neighborhood for you.

Allison Park crime maps highlight the safest neighborhoods. Red areas are considered dangerous, while yellow is considered moderate. The crime rates are weighted by the types of crimes committed. An "A" grade indicates that the crime rate is lower than average. Allison Park's crime map puts it in the 88th percentile of safety. Only 12% of American cities are safe, and 88% of cities are considered dangerous.