Amberson, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population varies by satets and reaches in Amberson. The population in Amberson varies by zip code, but the most commonly searched area is the city center. In the city, the crime rate is above the national average. Amberson has moderate crime rates, but there are still some high-crime areas. In the city, a red satet may indicate a higher crime rate, but this does not mean that the area is unsafe.

The following map shows the racial makeup of Amberson. You can also view the number of high school graduates and the percentage of college graduates for each race. Amberson has a racial majority of less than one percent, but its diversity score is much higher than average. Amberson, PA is located in the state of Pennsylvania. The population of this town is estimated at approximately 2,560.

The median household income in Amberson City is $100,750. It is relatively high in comparison to nearby ZIP codes. Residents are largely white, with some black and Hispanic people also living in Amberson. There is a large percentage of families and single-parent households. There are slightly fewer children than the national average, and there are a large number of single people. As for the satets and ages, the town is generally affluent one.