Andreas, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning to relocate to the beautiful Californian town of San Andreas, CA, it may be helpful to know the population & steets of this city. As of 2019, the population of San Andreas is 3.12k, with a median property value of $209,800. The city has a 45% homeownership rate and a median household income of $37,925. According to the US Census Bureau, the median age of the population in Andreas is 37.1 years old. Those who own a home in San Andreas are likely to be single, with a median age of 37.1 years.

The median age of all residents of San Andreas, CA is 37.1 years old, and the highest proportion of these people are white. Hispanics, on the other hand, make up the second-largest percentage of residents. Despite the low percentage of foreign-born residents, this city has a large number of veterans and military personnel. These people are considered to be low-income in San Andreas, CA.

The highest paying industry in San Andreas is Manufacturing, followed by Public Administration. However, some residents may work in other locations. Census data are tagged to the residential address, so you can compare the employment rate of San Andreas, CA to the average for the nearby state or country. In addition, Public Administration and Professional, Scientific & Management Services are the two highest-paying industries in Andreas, CA.