Archbald, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know what the population of a city is, you can use the Crime in Archbald city map. In Archbald, there are relatively low crime rates when compared to other cities. Compared to other cities, Archbald is also safer than the national average. However, you need to remember that crime happens wherever people are. And while the city does have some crime, it is much lower than the national average.

The most common way to commute to work in Archbald is by car. About 45% of the people in Archbald commute to work each day by car. In contrast, less than 5% use public transportation. A city with a lower poverty rate is considered more prosperous. However, the poverty rate in Archbald is relatively high compared to the state's overall number, which is 9.29%. So, the next time you want to commute to work in Archbald, consider taking the bus or trolley bus.

If you want to live in Archbald, PA, you should know the population and steets of the city. Archbald is located in Lackawanna County and has a population of 6,984 at the 2010 census. However, the city is expected to grow to 7,055 by 2020. You can find out more about the city's demographics by visiting the Census website. You can also find out more about the school and the Museum.