Beaver Sprgs, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Beaver Springs city census shows that approximately 61.1% of the population identifies themselves as white. Of that number, 12.3% identify as Black or African American. Only 0.7% of residents identify as American Indian or Alaska Native. Of that percentage, 5.4% identify as Asian or Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. Another 17.8% identify as Hispanic or Latino. Of the rest, 2.6% identify as other. According to the census, respondents report their ancestry. In Beaver Springs, the most common ancestry is German, while Pennsylvania Germans are the most concentrated.

The current population of Beaver Springs is 654 and is estimated to have decreased by 5.2% since the year 2020. There are only two internet providers in this city and the commute time to those providers is 25.6 minutes, which is shorter than the national average of 26.4 minutes. The average home in Beaver Springs is about $156,900, and it appreciates at a rate of 1.2% over the past 10 years.

As far as the cost of living goes, the median income in Beaver Springs, PA is $27120, compared to $18,125 for females. The poverty rate is a good indicator of a city's economic well-being. When the rate is lower, the city is more prosperous. And the poverty rate in Beaver Sprgs, PA is 23.3%, while in neighboring Lewisburg, Newport, and Philadelphia, the poverty rate is a mere 9.29%.