Beccaria, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Beccaaria City? You're not alone if you're curious about the area's people. In fact, Beccaaria, PA, and surrounding cities, are remarkably similar. In fact, some of them are only a few miles apart in terms of distance. Using the list below, you can quickly plan a trip or simply explore the surrounding area.

The total number of people in Beccaria city is 136, with 63 men and 73 women. The median age of residents in this city is 37.3 years, while the average age is 41.2 years old. In terms of education, there are four different levels. A city's total school enrollment includes students in kindergartens, elementary schools, and high schools. In Beccaria, there are also 2,155 college students.

The population of Beccaria, PA is 32,785 people, including 22,921 families. This translates to an average household size of 2.33 people. In terms of housing, Beccaria consists of single-family detached homes with more than one unit, 28,184 1-unit homes. There are also five hundred and fifteen single-family attached homes, commonly known as row houses and town homes. These homes are a common type of housing in Beccaria, and they make up a significant percentage of the city's housing inventory.