Bendersville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

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The population of Bendersville is very diverse. Approximately 31.8% of residents are under the age of 18, 10.7% are between the ages of 25 and 44, and 8.6% are 65 or older. Despite the wide range of ancestry, males outnumbered females by 92.6 to 1.

The ZIP code for Bendersville is 07817. The city is located in Adams County, Pennsylvania. The population was 641 at the 2010 census, which is lower than the number shown below. The city is roughly 0.4 square miles (1.0 km2), with a median age of 43. The median household income in Bendersville is $77,327. The poverty rate is 6.4 percent, with an average rent of $924 and a median home value of $168800. The average family size is two, with a male household in Bendersville and a female.