Benezett, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning on moving to Benezette, Pennsylvania, you might want to know the population and steets in the city. Benezette has 191 residents, which is a small percentage of the city's total population. This small city has experienced a decrease in its population of 2.5% since the year 2020. The median home price in Benezett City is $116,900, and the population density is moderate.

Benezett City is located in Elk County, Pennsylvania. It has a population of 186 people, making it one of the smallest towns in the state. The surrounding areas are rural, but have many bars. The area is also conservative, and residents are generally conservative, though the schools are above average. You'll love living in Benezett City! The following information is compiled from the 2000 census.

Visitors to Benezette can explore the nearby Pennsylvania Wilds. The Pennsylvania Wilds have an endless supply of outdoor activities. The elk herd is located here, which is the largest free-roaming herd east of the Mississippi. This charming small town is close to several major cities on the East Coast. The city is well-served by train, and has recently renovated homes.