Berrysburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table provides the population and steets of Berrysburg City, PA. Berrysburg's median age is 46, and the majority of residents are families. The population makes up about 64% of households. Twenty percent of these households are headed by single males and twenty percent by single females. In addition, there are roughly fifty percent couple families. The average household size is 2.51, and there are approximately eighty-two people per square mile.

The population and steets of a city can provide clues to how a neighborhood feels. For example, is the neighborhood walkable? Are there parks, restaurants, and shopping nearby? Does the neighborhood maintain itself? These things can help you make a decision about whether you want to relocate or stay put. And if you're looking for a new place to call home, don't be afraid to ask the neighbors about the neighborhood's quality of life.

The percentage of singles in Berrysburg, PA varies. In the same way that one-third of Americans are single, only one-third of Berrysburg's residents are married. Additionally, 7.2% of the adult civilian population in Berrysburg is classified as non-white. While it's still a low percentage, it's better than nothing. With that much diversity, this borough is certainly unique in the Pennsylvania region.

Crime is another factor to consider when assessing a city's safety. Berrysburg has a relatively low rate of violent crime, although it does vary among different neighborhoods. The number of crimes per 1,000 residents is lower than the state average and the national average. In addition, crime rates in Berrysburg are lower than those in nearby areas. The city is also considered safe, but this doesn't mean the population is completely safe.