Blakely, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Blakely is a city located in Georgia. According to the 2010 census, the population of Blakely is around 14,345 people. The average age is about 32 years. About 14.6% of residents are single. The race breakdown in Blakely is more diverse than in other places in the state.

The population of Blakely, GA is made up of both whites and blacks. Whites make up 61.9% of the city's population, while blacks make up 12.3%. Hispanics and Latinos make up 17.8% of the population. Other races make up 2.6% of the population. Most Blakely citizens identify as white or African American, but there are many others who identify as Asian or Native Hawaiian. The median property value is $123,000, and 52% of Blakely residents are homeowners. The average commute time for Blakely, GA residents was 19.3 minutes. The average car ownership rate was one per household.

Blakely is the 174th most populous city in Georgia. The city is home to about 4,605 people, with a median age of 30 years. The largest racial/ethnic groups are Black and White. The percentage of people living in poverty is higher than the national average.

The Blakeley Bluffs Park Reserve is a natural area near Blakely City. The park reserve offers access to the Minnesota River and a diverse environment. The park reserve also has a nature center. The center offers nature education programs and active conservation.