Blue Ball, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know how many people live in Blue Ball, PA, you can learn more about the statistics of this city by checking out the population and steets. The city has an average of 827 residents and is 100% U.S. citizens. In fact, the median property value is $214,500, which makes it significantly less expensive than the national average. The homeownership rate is 48.6% and most people in the city commute by car. The average commute time is 21.3 minutes and the median car ownership rate is 3 cars per household.

The median income for households in Blue Ball, PA is $57,388. The average household income is $36,387, making Blue Ball, PA the fifth most affordable city in Pennsylvania. It's a good idea to check Blue Ball's income statistics if you're planning on moving to the city, as these numbers will help you determine if it's a good option for your family.

The median income for households in Blue Ball, PA is $81,667 - which is nearly four times more than the national average of $65,712. According to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Blue Bell has an employment rate of 13.9%, making it one of the highest paying cities in Pennsylvania. The city's population is 483 people, while its economy employs 52. The top paying jobs in Blue Ball, PA are Manufacturing and Finance & Insurance.