Boothwyn, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to learn more about the population of Boothwyn City, Pennsylvania, you should review the data below. This information includes the number of residents, race, and gender. The total population of Boothwyn, Pennsylvania is 5.09k people, including 247 whites and 727 non-whites. It is estimated that 4.28% of the population is Hispanic. The poverty rate is higher among people of color, including Black and Native Americans.

The average household size is 2.9, making the population of Boothwyn City quite low compared to the overall U.S. average. However, quality of life is subjective. Some home buyers prefer to live in a walkable city, while others seek peace and quiet. Some prefer to live near parks and nature. This city offers both options, depending on what you're looking for. Whether you're looking for a house with a high crime rate or a peaceful, quiet neighborhood, you can find it by visiting the Boothwyn population website.

A detailed census of the Boothwyn community was conducted in 2012. This census data includes the population's age group, race, and gender. The data also includes information on home values and percentage of homes owned or rented. Despite these statistics, it is important to note that there are still several undeveloped areas in the area. However, these areas have plenty to offer and should be explored further. This information is useful to those who are interested in the community and want to move there.