Chalk Hill, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering how many people live in Chalk Hill City, Pennsylvania. Well, the following information will help you determine how many people live there. The most populous racial group is White (Non-Hispanic), while the least populous racial group is Black or African American. The most common occupation group in Chalkhill is production and sales, with 0% of the residents being of the Hispanic race.

The following charts and graphs show the percentage of households that own cars in Chalk Hill, PA. The majority of households own 3 or more cars, while only 0.1% of Chalk Hill, PA residents own false cars. While 0% of households do not own a car, 100% of residents have health coverage. Approximately 60.8% of Chalk Hill residents are covered by an employee plan. The rest of the population has private insurance or is enrolled in Medicaid. The percentage of households using private health insurance varies, but the number is still higher than you might expect.

The 2000 census indicated that the population of Chalk Hill City was 10,748 people. Of these, 29.4% were under the age of eighteen, 12.8% were 25 to 44, and 19.4% were 45 to 64. Of the remaining households, 15.0% consisted of individuals. Two percent of senior citizens were living alone. The average household size was 2.96. A family of three comprised four people.