Chest Springs, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering relocating to Chest Springs City, Pennsylvania, you've likely wondered what the city's population and steets are. In general, Chest Springs is a small city located in west-central Pennsylvania, roughly 70 miles east of Pittsburgh. Its climate is largely moderate, with a mild winter and pleasant summer months. You can learn more about Chest Springs' demographics by reading below.

As of 2019, Chest Springs has 168 residents. All residents are U.S. citizens. The median property value in Chest Springs is $109,400. Homeownership is 76.8%. Residents commute alone to work, averaging 27.1 minutes per day. The median number of cars per household was three. This means that Chest Springs has a low rate of poverty. There are also several schools in the city.

The median annual income in Chest Springs, PA is $67,500, more than the $65,712 national average. The city has 68 residents who are employed in eight different sectors. The most common occupations in Chest Springs are Construction, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Manufacturing. Of these, Other Services Except Public Administration pays the highest median wage. Compared to other areas of Pennsylvania, Chest Springs has a low rate of income inequality.