Chestnut Ridge, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population and Steets of Chestnut Ridge City? There are many factors to consider when determining a city's population. In this article, we will provide the demographic data for Chestnut Ridge City. We will also examine the means of transportation for residents. The top three modes of transportation in Chestnut Ridge, NY are car, bus or trolley bus, and subway or elevated.

The median age of residents of Chestnut Ridge, NY is 32.4 years old. This is lower than the US average of 64.4, and is higher than the median age in neighboring geographies. The majority of residents in Chestnut Ridge, NY are US citizens, with the exception of those who were born in other countries. The highest percentage of foreign-born residents of Chestnut Ridge, NY are born in China, the Dominican Republic, and Jamaica.

The US census data provides demographic information for Chestnut Ridge based on self-identification. The darker the shade, the more racial diversity there is in the city. The green areas are more diverse than those in red areas, and the red areas are more racially homogeneous. Those in the city who are ethnically diverse will be living in close quarters.

Crime in Chestnut Ridge City varies by neighborhood. The northwest and southeast parts of the city are the safest, with only a small percentage of residents living in those areas. This may give the impression that the crime rate is higher in these areas. However, crime occurs wherever people are. The central portion of the city, meanwhile, is safer than most neighborhoods. The table below shows the crime rates for Chestnut Ridge City based on neighborhood type.