Cheswick, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets of Cheswick City? You can find this information at We will help you determine the population and steets of this city, Pennsylvania. The following information will help you to make the right decision when choosing to live in this area. The population of Cheswick City is approximately 58,800, with a total area of 6.8 square miles.

The median property value in Cheswick, PA was $125,500 in 2019. This figure is 0.522 times less than the national average. The homeownership rate is 83.5%, making it slightly more expensive than the national average. In Cheswick, PA, people drive to work alone on average for twenty-four minutes. They own two cars on average. These statistics are higher than the national average, but still fall below the level that most people consider poor.

As a matter of fact, Cheswick, PA is one of the least racially diverse communities in the state. Its population density is 2.6 people per square mile, making it the second smallest city in the region in terms of ethnicity. On the other hand, the proportion of foreign-born residents is 6.7% higher than the national average. As for its diversity, Cheswick has a high percentage of immigrants, which is not typical for other cities and towns.

Although the population of Cheswick is estimated to reach 1,715 by the year 2020, it is still declining and has decreased by 5.23% since the 2010 census. According to 24/7 Wall St., the average household income is $81,201, which is lower than the national average and the poverty rate is 6.07%. The median house value in Cheswick is $125,500. The median age in Cheswick City is 51.6 years, and males are older than females.