Coopersburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering what the population of Coopersburg City looks like, you're not alone. According to the United States Census Bureau, there are approximately 2,309 people living in the city. The median household income is $54,648 and the area's poverty rate is 4.94%. Find out more about Coopersburg, Pennsylvania. Population & Steets in Coopersburg City

There are several factors to consider before moving to Coopersburg. Coopersburg is a suburban area, and thus the population is mostly white. In terms of race, the majority of the population is White. In addition, Hispanics are also represented in the population. The city's median age is 34. The male to female ratio is 91.8: 87.7 males live in Coopersburg.

In terms of median household income, Coopersburg, PA is lower than the national average of $65,712. The median property value in the city decreased from $211,300 to $218,600 in 2019. The average commute time for workers in Coopersburg, PA is 23 minutes, making it shorter than the national average of 49.3 minutes. The average number of cars per household is the same as the national average.