Cresson, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in finding out how many people live in Cresson, Texas, you've come to the right place. Our list of population and steets for Cresson includes such important details as the number of people per square mile, median age, and school name. We also include other important information about the city such as its crime rate and median household income. And, of course, you can also look up other city details such as schools and museums.

Cresson is a city in Northeast Texas. Its population is approximately 1,665 people, and its median home value is $333,900. The median home price in Cresson is $333,900, and home appreciation over the last ten years has been 8.5%. However, its median home price is considerably lower than the national average. Whether you're looking to relocate or make a new life in Cresson, there are many reasons to check out the Cresson housing market and the area.

The number of people living in Cresson is similar to that of other nearby towns. Cresson's population is largely made up of families. Annetta and Cresson have the highest percentage of married couples. Neither city is particularly large or small, but both have a high percentage of married couples and families. With this information in mind, Cresson is a great place to live for anyone who wants to buy or rent a home in the area.