Davidsville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for Population & Steets in Davidville City, PA, you've come to the right place. Below you will find information on the people, businesses, and attractions in the area. You can zoom in and out to view the different aspects of the city. This information is meant for reference purposes only. You can also find more information on other nearby cities by visiting their websites.

In Davidsville, PA, the population is composed of both white and blue collar workers. The median household income in the city is $31,350, while the average household income is $40,033. The city's gender ratio is 0.90 to 1, with 73% of the population being white and just 4% being black and Hispanic. In terms of education, 93.3% of Davidsville citizens earned a bachelor's degree or higher.

The crime rate in Davidsville is lower than the state average, as long as you're living in the safest part of town. In fact, it's far safer than most of the cities in the area. Davidsville's crime rate is lower than the state and national average, which is good news for residents of the area. If you're wondering how safe the city is, look no further than the Crime Grade map below.

According to census data, there are 805 people living in Davidsville, PA. The median age is 58.6 years. The median household income is $75,917. The city's ethnic composition is White (non-Hispanic) (81.1%), White (Hispanic) (1.8%), and Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) 0.02%. In terms of car ownership, the majority of households have two or more cars, while the smallest percentage own one or a false car.