De Water Gap, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In 2019, Delaware Water Gap, PA had a population of 699 people. The median age of Delaware Water Gap residents was 46.8, and the median household income was $74,583. This was an increase from the previous year, when there were 636 people living in the city. The median household income was $74,583 in 2019, and it was up from $68,021 in 2010. The most common racial/ethnic groups were White, Black, or Asian. Hispanic residents made up 1.4% of the total population.

The population and steets in Delaware Water Gap City, PA are below. The center of each city is less than 39 miles away. The population of the cities is evenly distributed across each neighborhood, with fewer violent crimes in the west than in the east. For a more comprehensive view of the city's demographics, check out the statistics on crime in each neighborhood. Delaware Water Gap, PA is located in Monroe County and is part of the Stroudsburg, PA metropolitan area.

The median age of residents of Delaware Water Gap, PA is 46.8. The percentage of native-born residents who are 47 is 39.5%, and 13.5% are foreign-born. The most common languages spoken in the city are Spanish, Italian, and German. Fewer residents speak Chinese, however. However, this does not mean that these languages aren't spoken in Delaware Water Gap, PA.