Denbo, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in learning more about Denbo City, Pennsylvania, then read on! Here you will learn about the population and steets of this small city. The population of Denbo is 137 people, of which 40 are under the age of twenty-five years. There are also a few statistics about the age breakdown in this town. Denbo has approximately 18 males and 22 females in the population over the age of twenty-five.

In Denbo, PA, there are 81,130 housing units. The median income is $65,134 per household. There are about 50 units of non-family housing in Denbo. The population is fairly stable, with single-family homes and apartments making up the majority of housing. The median house price is $155,000, so there is plenty of room for growth. Whether you're moving locally or internationally, a moving company in Denbo can help you move.

For Denbo's ZIP code, you need to know that it falls under Washington County. 15429 is the city's zip code, and you can use a map to find it. The population of Denbo is approximately 126. The USPS uses a default name for cities, which is typically the name preferred by locals. If you need to find a specific address, you can use this ZIP code by copying the address.