Ellwood City, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Ell wood City, PA are available for the following census tracts: 6058, 116 and 118. Each tract has different median house values, and different socio-economic characteristics. For example, Census Tract 6058 has the highest median household income in the city, while Census Tract 118 has the lowest. The Census Bureau uses money income thresholds based on family size and composition to determine the levels of poverty in the community. Those who are below these thresholds are considered impoverished. The five largest ethnic groups are White (non-Hispanic), White (Hispanic), Black or African American and Two+. The population of Ellwood City is 0.716% Hispanic.

99% of the population in Ellwood City, PA is a US citizen, which is higher than the national average and relative to the parent and neighboring geo-policies. A majority of residents in Ellwood City, PA drive alone to work. 14.2% carpooled, while 3.36% work from home. The chart below shows the percentage of households in Ellwood City that commute using different means of transportation over time. The data is based on the most recent American Community Survey (ACS), and are subject to change.

Residents of Ellwood City are educated in the Ellwood City Area School District. The district is ranked 304th out of 498 school districts in Pennsylvania. All children in grades three through eight and eleven are given PSSA exams. Students with disabilities are given adapted tests. As a result, the city's public school students have high academic achievement. However, residents should consider that the school district is not an excellent choice for students in this area.