Fallentimber, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can use the map below to find out more information about Fallentimber City. The city has a population of 1,666 people. There are 841 male residents and 825 female residents. The median age for both sexes is 42. The population is made up of several races, and the breakdown changes each year. Fallentimber is predominantly made up of one race. In the past, the city had more than one race. Currently, there are 10 races represented in Fallentimber.

A low population density means that there are few people around to commit crimes. This is especially true in the northeast. The south area of the city is the least likely to be crime-ridden, which can lead to an illusion of a safer environment. However, crime rates in the northeast may be higher than in the south. Regardless of the area, crime can occur anywhere, even in areas that may be considered safe.

The ZIP code for Fallentimber City, Pennsylvania, is 16639. This area is officially known as FALLENTIMBER. However, parts of this area are outside the city limits. Its area code is 814. Generally, the residents of Fallentimber are of the Lower Middle Class or White working class. This is not surprising, since the city is mostly made up of people who make a living from farming and construction.