Garards Fort, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning a vacation or a road trip, it can be helpful to see what cities are close to Garards Fort, PA. You can also use this information to find the nearest airport. Listed below are a few cities and towns that are within 41 miles of Garards Fort, PA.

When it comes to crime, Garards Fort City does not have a high crime rate. While crime is a serious problem in all cities, it is relatively low in Garards Fort. The crime rate is much lower than the national average. However, it is important to note that crime rates in some areas may appear higher than in others.

The population of Garards Fort City is made up of 183 people. Of these, 37 are under the age of 20. The other 83 are adults. This gives us a clearer idea of the age distribution. The average age of the citizens is 44.3 years, while the median age of women is 44.7 years. There are 545 single-family attached homes, otherwise known as town houses, and 247 apartment units.

Garards Fort is located in Greene County, Pennsylvania. It has a post office with ZIP Code 15334. If you are planning a trip to this area, you can use the map provided below to find your way around.