Glen Hope, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on the population and the styes of Glen Hope City, Pennsylvania, you've come to the right place. The population of Glen Hope is 130, and there are 51 households. The median home value is $73,333 and the average household size is 2.63. The population of Glen Hope is forecast to decrease by -1.60% by 2020, and there are about one female for every two males.

In Glen Hope, Pennsylvania, there are several different types of people living in the city. It is the majority of non-citizens who are the poorest, while the minority group of whites is the highest. About half of the people in Glen Hope City are white-collar professionals, and the rest are blue-collar workers. Glen Hope is a very diverse city, and the city has a wide range of cultures and religious affiliations.

The area was used by Native Americans for centuries before the Europeans came. The city's growth was slow before 1873, but the arrival of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad (C&O) opened up new business opportunities. The C&O opened up the New River Gorge to the eastern US and provided a transportation link. After the railroad arrived, the coal industry began to grow. A few mining operations opened along the C&O mainline. In 1888, Fayette County became the first county in West Virginia to produce one million tons of coal. In 1894, the Loup Creek branch was built and connected the main C&O line to the town of MacDonald.