Grove City, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the latest Grove City demographics, you've come to the right place. Take a look at the population and steets figures below and learn more about the people living in Grove City. You can also explore the diversity of Grove City by visiting our diversity page. You'll be able to see what makes Grove City stand out in this particular community. You may even be surprised to find out that there are more than a few ethnic groups living in Grove City.

When deciding on where to live, you should consider the growth rates of the city. During the last five years, real estate in Grove City has appreciated 7.7%, compared to an average of 5.1 percent. This growth is mainly due to the construction of the Columbus and Harrisburg Turnpike, which opened up the town to new markets. Today, this highway is known as U.S. Route 62 and 3-C Highway.

The number of residents in Grove City is a little bit higher than the national average. The city boasts numerous amenities and has a low crime rate. In fact, Grove City has fewer violent crimes than the national average. The median age in this city is approximately forty-two. If you're interested in moving to the city, you'll love the many amenities it has to offer. And the best part? The population of Grove City is just right for you.