Hannastown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information on the Population & Steets in Hannantown City, Pennsylvania, you have come to the right place. Below you will find information about Hannastown, Pennsylvania. The city is home to 177 people, 94 males, and 83 females. The median age for the residents of Hannastown is 40.3 years, while the average age for the women is 43.5 years. The city also has a diverse population. There are N/A races represented in the city.

Crime in Hannastown is low, although it does occur. The rate of theft per 1,000 residents is low compared to the rate of crime in other cities. Hannastown has low crime rates and falls within the 89th percentile for safety. In addition to the city's overall crime rate of 2.32 per thousand residents, it has a low rate of theft. Whether you are shopping, eating out, or just relaxing with a book, Hannastown is one of the safest cities in the state.

The first federal census recorded a population of 16,018. The borough was home to many immigrants originating from Slavic and Eastern European countries. Additionally, the population includes Irish, German, and other European immigrants. African-Americans who live in the southern part of the United States were also represented in the town. And the town's economic relationship with the population east of the Alleghenies is well documented.