Harleigh, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population of Harleigh City, you should know about its crime statistics. The city's crime rate is based on data collected by local law enforcement agencies and demographics. A Harleigh crime heat map can give you an overview of all crimes committed in the city. It shows you the areas of the city where the crime rate is lower than the state average and the areas where crimes are higher. The map is also available at a block group level, so you can easily see the crime rate in an area.

Harleigh is a suburb of Hazleton and is located near the Susquehanna River. It is a census-designated place and is one of the 40 cities in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. It has a population of approximately 1,040. The city has a median rental rate of - per month and a median house value of $217,600. You can learn more about the local demographics and history by checking out the map below.

People classified as unemployed must be actively looking for work in order to be considered unemployed. The official unemployment rate for Harleigh, PA is 44%. The official rate is known as the Labor Force Participation Rate, or LFP. This figure is used to determine the percentage of the population that is unemployed and actively seeking work. It is important to note that this number does not reflect the number of people actively looking for work, but it is better than nothing.