Heilwood, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're thinking of moving to Heilwood, PA, you may be wondering, "How Many People Live in Heilwood?" The good news is, you can find out just that. Just use the data provided below to find out the population and steets of Heilwood. Listed below are some of the major cities and towns closest to Heilwood, PA. These cities and towns are ideal for those looking to explore the area around Heilwood.

Before the township began to grow and develop, the property was farmland. John Griffith bought the property in the early 1700s and deeded it to his son, Charles, and his wife Adda Griffith. Soon after, the township began to grow, and Charles and Adda Griffith began selling their properties to local residents. Today, Heilwood has a population of approximately 454 people.

The town of Heilwood is located in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. It is part of the Indiana County metro area. The city was incorporated in 1784. The area grew to a population of 79,379 in 2010.