Hustontown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information about the Hustontown city limits, you've come to the right place. This article will tell you about the population and steets in Hustontown City. The statistics about the city are based on public records and may not be accurate. For example, the population of Hustontown is approximately 31,000. In this city, the murder rate is 0.06 per thousand people per year. However, this murder rate is lower in the east part of the city.

The Hustontown city population includes both residents and non-residents. The average number of people aged sixteen and older is 11,132. The city's population includes people in a variety of occupations, including management, professional and related occupations (1,432), sales and office occupations (903), and production, transportation and material moving occupations (1,800). The workers in Hustontown are broken down into three categories - private wage earners, self-employed individuals, and those who are unpaid family workers.

The Hustontown city population is made up of approximately 1,406 people. Of this, 399 are under the age of 20. Of the total population, 195 are female and 204 are male. The average household income is $48,964 and the median household income is $42,593.