James Creek, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can find out all the details about the population and steets of the city of James Creek, Georgia from the link below. With this information, you will have a clear idea of how many people live in the area. You will also find out how many of these people own a home. As far as the number of people who own a home goes, it is 61.4%.

The James Creek neighborhood is home to many different languages, but the most common are English and Asian. There are also people who speak Korean and African languages. Twenty-seven percent of residents in the area speak other languages at home. In addition to English, there are other languages that are important to know about. If you're curious about the languages spoken in James Creek, make sure to read the community's demographics.

The median price of a house in the James Creek neighborhood is $504,848, which is higher than 88.0% of all neighborhoods in America. The median rent is $2,784, which is significantly higher than the national average of eighty-two percent. It's worth noting that the area is highly diverse, with nearly seven percent of children living below the federal poverty line. However, this figure is still low compared to the national average of 58.2%.