Junedale, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are approximately 48 people living in Junedale. Of this number, eight are under the age of twenty. This translates to six males and two females. There are approximately five hundred births and seven hundred deaths per year in Junedale. The race makeup of Junedale's residents varies from year to year. In the year 2000, 48 people identified as single were present in Junedale. Of the remaining nineteen residents, eight identified as two or more races.

A map of the crime rates in Junedale may appear inflated for day visitors. But, in actuality, there are relatively few retail stores in Junedale. While these areas are generally safe, crime tends to happen where people are. That is why red areas on the murder rate map do not necessarily mean there's a danger for Junedale residents. This information should be used for planning an outing to Junedale, PA.

The age distribution of Junedale's population can be derived from its age distribution. About 25 percent of the population is under the age of 18, whereas 19.8% are between 18 and 24 years old. Twenty-four percent are married couples, while thirty-nine percent are non-family households. Similarly, there are about 15 percent of senior citizens living alone in Junedale. Overall, the median age is thirty-one years, making Junedale a fairly young place.