Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on the Population & Steets in Lafayette Hills City, PA, you've come to the right place. There is a map that displays how safe and dangerous various parts of Lafayette Hill are. Red areas on the map are areas where crimes are more likely to occur, while yellow and green areas are less likely to be dangerous. The map also shows the rate of crime per thousand Lafayette Hill residents.

Listed below is the breakdown of the racial and economic diversity of Lafayette Hill. Lafayette Hill has more artists, designers, and people working in the arts and media than ninety percent of all American communities. The concentration of artists in Lafayette Hill is a unique feature that contributes to the unique character of the town. While this data may be outdated, it still provides valuable information for anyone looking to move to Lafayette Hill, PA.

If you're thinking of moving to Lafayette Hills, PA, consider the following factors when deciding where to live. You'll want to consider the number of schools in the area, public transportation options, and the overall community. The demographics of Lafayette Hill City are also important. Lafayette Hill is an unincorporated community located in Montgomery County, PA. Its median age is zero, and the population is approximately 100 people.