Laughlintown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in Population & Steets in a City? If so, this article will help you to do just that. We will take a look at how many people live in the town and what their average ages are. You'll also learn about what's popular in the area, and how much money people make here. If you're interested in learning more about Laughlintown, PA, check out the resources below.

The average age of Laughlintown PA residents is fifty-seven years old, with approximately one in every two residents being Hispanic. The median household income is $46,731 per person. The average household income in Laughlintown is $70,898, making the average Laughlintown PA resident earn a slightly higher than average income. The average number of residents who go to school is 79%, but that doesn't mean they're all educated the same. In fact, men and women have different proportions of higher education. Therefore, the closer the ratio is to equal, the more the population has potential for economic growth.

Laughlintown, Pennsylvania is home to 1,038 people of all races. A small percentage (0.1%) of residents are Black or Asian. The rest are Hispanic and Latino. A single-parent household is a common household size in Laughlintown. Laughlintown has a median home value of $136,184, and an average household size of 2.29. The projected population of Laughlintown is expected to decrease by -1.5% over the next five years.