Lehighton, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information shows the population & steets in Lehighton City, Pennsylvania. You can see how the percentage of people in each group compares with that of other nearby areas. In general, Lehighton is a safe place to live, but some areas of the city are more dangerous than others. Find out what your neighborhood looks like by using this resource. This will give you an idea of the types of crimes that occur in the area.

The average commute time is 37 minutes, which is slightly slower than the state average of 28 minutes. Most residents commute by car. Public transportation is not popular, but 37% of people use private vehicles to get to work. Walking is rare. Despite being a relatively safe city, you should still check on your eligibility before making a decision. This data should be based on the city's demographics.

Lehighton's downtown area has experienced several declines in recent years. The Carbon Plaza Mall in nearby Mahoning Township took away many businesses, and the area's population fell. This was a difficult time for the city's downtown area, but it is currently experiencing a rebirth. People are recognizing the city's historic architecture and compact central location. While the city still has a few problems, the borough has a positive outlook for the future.

Lehighton is located in northeastern Pennsylvania. It is 26 miles north of Allentown and 42 kilometers west of Scranton. The median monthly rent is $740. There are 67.0% of households with a broadband connection, which helps to explain the low unemployment rate. In Lehighton, it is important to consider the city's history and current demographics when deciding on a move.