Lehman, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics can help you understand the demographics of Lehman City. The population is comprised of both whites and blacks. There are also about a third of residents of Hispanic ethnicity. The median household income in Lehman City is $68,133 and there are about 0.96 males for every one female. This information can help you target your advertising. If you want to get the most out of your ads, you should consider hiring local talent.

One of the major reasons why Lehman Brothers failed was because the company took on too much risk. It had $639 billion in assets and over $613 billion in debt. Those assets were difficult to sell, which hampered the firm's attempts to raise funds. As a result, it had cash flow problems. While the government has promised to help Lehman Brothers, it has not done so.