Lenhartsville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Approximately 86% of residents live in a single family home, and there are approximately 92% white people living in Lenhartsville. The rest of the population is either black or Hispanic, making up a little more than one percent of the city's total population. This city's average household income is $71,206, and nearly 78% of residents are high school graduates.

As of the 2016 Census, Lenhartsville is home to approximately 28,000 people. Approximately 28% of Lenhartsville residents have earned a bachelor's, master's, or doctorate degree. There are three main occupation categories, which can be broadly broken down into white-collar jobs, blue-collar jobs, and service industry jobs. This data allows you to make an informed decision about your future in the city.

The rent burden in Lenhartsville is the proportion of household income that is spent on rental housing. This is an important metric in estimating the affordability of housing in the city. Lenhartsville has a lower rent burden than the average Pennsylvania city, at 22.6%. However, neighboring cities, such as Orwigsburg, have lower rent burdens. In addition, 46.6% of housing units in Lenhartsville are occupied by renters.

The racial composition of Lenhartsville City is quite diverse, with 163 white residents, 10 black and 0 African-American citizens. The remaining ten residents are Hispanic, which makes the city an ethnically-diverse city. The racial makeup of Lenhartsville is quite diverse, and it reflects the borough's history and growth.