Linfield, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Linford City, Oregon, then you've come to the right place. We've compiled some of the most important data and information about the area. This article will show you how the neighborhood ranks in terms of its people. The following are just a few of the statistics you may want to know about. We've also included some fun facts about Linfield City.

Linfield Oaks / Felton Gables: This neighborhood boasts an incredibly diverse population. In this area, 12.8% of households speak Chinese, and the majority of people are older than 25. Linfield Oaks / Felton Gables also has the highest percentage of Chinese-speakers. This area is also known for having a high concentration of wealth-seeking people.

Lindfield is an excellent place for people with children. The community has numerous parks and is relatively family-friendly. There's a train station and plenty of retail options. Residents of Lindfield are also well-connected to the rest of the city with its rail line. Despite the lack of activities, the housing blocks are grand and impressive. The prices of these houses are prohibitive, but the lifestyle in this quiet suburb is fantastic.

The Census data for the Linfield City area shows that the borough has a diverse population. The population is primarily white and includes 8.3% of children under the age of 18. The population is also made up of a high percentage of single parents and middle aged people. The number of seniors is slightly higher than average, at 14.4%. The median age in this area is 38 years old. The area also has nursing homes and correctional facilities.