Lititz, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that the population of Lititz City is estimated to be 9,456 by 2020? This city is located in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The city is primarily made up of a diverse group of people. The median age of all Lititz residents was 45.1 years in 2019. The average age of all residents was 45, and the median age of foreign-born citizens was 61. The city is home to a large Jewish population, which is represented by the largest percentage of foreign-born residents.

In terms of racial composition, Lititz has a majority of White residents. Hispanics make up 2% of the population. In terms of household income, Lititz residents earn a median of $58,401 and the average household income is $73,743. The highest-paying occupations in the city are in education, health care and social assistance, and construction. For each group, you can view how closely they fit your target audience.

In terms of race, the population of Lititz City was diverse. Twenty-one percent of residents were under the age of 18; eight percent were between the ages of 25-44. Forty-one percent of households were headed by a married couple. Thirty-five percent of households were made up of non-families. In terms of ethnicity, the five largest groups in Lititz are White (non-Hispanic), White (Hispanic), Black or African-American, and Two+ or More People.